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Christmas Break

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Over Christmas break I spent a majority of my with friends and family just decompressing from school. In the first week I spent most of my time preparing for Christmas by buying gifts for friends and family and sneaking them into the house so no one would notice. After spending Christmas with my family I had a mini Christmas with my friends where we all got lunch and spent the entire day together.

Throughout the second week it was fairly calm as we waited for New Years to arrive. Once New Years came around I spent the entire night with my family as we thanked each other for the wonderful time we had together throughout the tough year 2021 was. My Second week was very full of friends and family as we all entered the new years.

During the final week of break I took the time to relax and prepare myself for the upcoming week of school as well as my upcoming trip. I had spent the first two days of the final week hanging out with some friends from out of state and helping my family re-decorate my sisters room. On the final weekend of break I went to Camp with my church and had a wonderful time of fellowship with friends and giving thanks to God.

Map Below is the drive from El Modena to Camp

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