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Spring Break 23'

My spring break was packed full of interesting trips to local areas and time spent with friends. In the first weekend of my break, my friend from San Clemente spent the night and we watched the fourth John Wick movie. After that the next few days (Monday and Tuesday) were fairly uneventful, I stayed at home mostly and prepared for the arrival of my family from Iceland. On Tuesday night my mom and I drove up to LAX at Ten PM and came back home with my family at Two AM. The next day consisted of preparation for the night time as I was preparing to share my testimony to the younger kids at my church, this went very well and my friend was able to give a great gospel presentation.

On Thursday I went with my friend to go and apply for a job that he works at and I got it. Now I work at a small market near OPA. On friday I went to visit UCLA Santa Monica hospital, I was toured around it by our friend who is the director of medicine of said facility, it was really interesting but I was not able to take any pictures within the building. Saturday I was able to meet with my friends and listen to a sermon on purity that was really good and later that day was able to listen to my friends dad lay out his huge conspiracy theory regarding JFK (it was nuts). Sunday I went to church and was able to rest before the coming week.

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