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Christmas Break

I didn't really take pictures this Christmas but the ones that I did I really enjoy. In these few pictures that I have are my friends and I at camp over break. The camp was located up in Crestline and we were there for a total of two days. At camp I was able to grow closer to God as well as my brothers and sisters in Christ. In the picture of the large group we are huddled together right after a senior worship night, this happened at around 12 AM and was one of the greatest moments I have ever experienced. The sermons we were able to listen to were wonderful because they asked very important questions of what our motivations are and do our actions reflect the heart and faith we claim to have.

Along with the sermons we were able to listen to we were also able to have small groups with each other where we discussed the sermon applications. One great thing about camp was that the gospel was able to be articulated to a multitude of students, We are sinners who constantly fall into sin and cannot attain the standard of perfection we are required to have. That is why God sent his only son to die for us so that we could have eternal life by believing in him and repenting (turning to him and away from out sinful desires) of our sinful desires. We're offered the free gift of eternal life in Heaven with God and escape from eternity in Hell.

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